
Wir hören in Ihre Marke rein: Von der Exploration bis zum Tracking.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Profiling

Wir gestalten Ihren Klang:
Vom Audio Branding über die Klangarchitektur bis zur Corporate Voice.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Coding

Make it Real
Wir gehen weiter:
In unseren Science Labs und unseren Studios.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Producing

comevis Care
Performance Corporate Voice & Soundservices
Licensing (GEMA-frei), Services, Produktionsmanagement, QS, Joure Fix, Check, Report

Make smart speakers
and voice apps
brand compliant
When you think of classic design as a business, you would never not apply your brand design, would you? Website, flyer, campaign - everything is thought through in corporate design. However, when we think of it in tones, the reality is often different: At the latest with applications like Alexa, the brand identity is surrendered to the provider service - and that, although you can also shine here with brand-compliant acoustics and retain users. This is a missed opportunity, which we address with you and transform into real acoustic user loyalty. We set the stage for your corporate voice, create automated acoustic service dialogs without media discontinuity, and ensure that your users also find you in the acoustic world.

Acoustic entertainment in corporate sound design
comevis revolutionizes voice apps for smart speakers and makes your brand identity tangible by integrating corporate voices, corporate sounds and a user-friendly dialog. In addition to service dialogs, entertainment applications are also important and even a particularly great opportunity to bind users to the brand and associate them with fun.
Voice apps
that hit the right tone.
comevis revolutionizes voice apps for smart speakers and brings your brand identity to life by integrating corporate voices, corporate sounds and user-friendly dialog guidance. Especially in such technological environments, sound makes the music.

1. FC Köln Alexa Skill

Advent calendar Alexa Skill
Badenova | A sonorous example:
Voice app marketing for customer loyalty
Alexa, Google Assistant & Co. are an additional channel for customer communication and retention. Use new opportunities to offer your customers digital added value.
Voice App Inspiration
Experience a particularly exciting journey through the world of sounds! To do so, simply say.
"Alexa, start comevis with the sound journey".

The most sonorous Alexa Skill
The 3 customisable parameters
Always hit the right note with instruments and sounds
Tell your story with inspiring voices
Take callers by the hand thanks to sound dialogues
Design & Development
We take care of it for you:
Voice App Performance Level
Since 2002, we have been combining our audio/voice expertise with technology know-how and using this expertise to revolutionize voice applications for smart speakers. By integrating professional corporate voices, corporate sounds and user-friendly dialog guidance, we bring your brand identity to life. We support you from strategy development to creation and implementation of your Alexa skill.
Our Alexa Skills (extract)
Wir garantieren die rundum sorglose Nutzung unserer Werke dank comevisCARE
Zusätzliche Optionen
Buchen Sie auf Wunsch einen der nachfolgenden Services zur passgenauen Projektabwicklung:
Express Service
Texting template: sample texts for the interactive dialogue
Typically GEMA free
Comprehensive support
KSK levies
Secure backup of your productions