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Methodik: comevis Sonic Profiling

Wir gestalten Ihren Klang:
Vom Audio Branding über die Klangarchitektur bis zur Corporate Voice.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Coding

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Methodik: comevis Sonic Producing

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Unmistakable sound logos (also: audio logos) and jingles differentiate brands and increase their recognition value. They represent relevant brand values in a nutshell - concisely and flexibly.
Definition: Soundlogo & Audiologo
The brand sound logo, also known as the audio logo or corporate sound logo, is the auditory equivalent of a brand's visual logo (figurative mark) and gets to the heart of the brand in just a few seconds with a musical and/or vocal message. This makes it an important part of the audible brand experience.
It is short, emotional, unmistakable, creates a mood with just a few notes and thus represents a concise, acoustic recognition feature of the brand. The brand sound logo can range from noisy to melodic and is often linked to the visual logo in multimedia presentations.
Sound logos also work when listened to passively and, thanks to their compactness and flexibility, have an unlimited effect at all relevant touchpoints. Due to their adaptation to the brand, they retain their effect even after many uses. As a component of acoustic brand communication, they promote brand loyalty, can be perceived as a seal of quality and communicate affiliation to an umbrella brand.
Under certain conditions, brand sound logos can be registered as sound marks with the DPMA or the European Patent Office, which gives them increased protection against imitation.
At comevis, we specialize in tailor-made audio logo and sound logo projects to make brands unique and emotionally appealing with our expertise in acoustic identity.
Soundlogo Example: ALH Gruppe
Experience the effect of sound logos with comevis
Definition: Brand Jingle
The brand jingle is an extended version of the sound logo. It usually contains the sung or spoken claim of the brand, the effect of which is reinforced and underlined by catchy melody, rhythm and sound. In this way, the brand character and the brand values are represented in a memorable way and the emotional advertising promise is communicated in an expressive way.
Even over a long period of use, there is no decline in the effect. Occasionally, with a high degree of recognition, the textual parts are omitted after a while, so that the border to the sound logo becomes blurred. Since the categorisation of these acoustic short motifs is becoming increasingly difficult, jingle and sound logo should be understood as ideal types in a continuum.
An example: The claim "Wenn's um Geld geht - Sparkasse" (When it comes to money - savings bank) has existed since 1963. Despite its long period of use, it is still current and effective and has recently been adapted in different styles up to purely consonant singing.
Let's start your sound logo and brand jingle project!
Are you ready to enrich your brand experience with customized sound logos and brand jingles? Make an appointment now with comevis, the leading expert in creative and code-based acoustic brand identity, and discover how we can give your company a distinctive presence.
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