
Wir hören in Ihre Marke rein: Von der Exploration bis zum Tracking.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Profiling

Wir gestalten Ihren Klang:
Vom Audio Branding über die Klangarchitektur bis zur Corporate Voice.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Coding

Make it Real
Wir gehen weiter:
In unseren Science Labs und unseren Studios.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Producing

comevis Care
Performance Corporate Voice & Soundservices
Licensing (GEMA-frei), Services, Produktionsmanagement, QS, Joure Fix, Check, Report

comevis is a multiple award-winning company...



Audio/Voice Campaign
The melody and leitmotif of the campaign is made audible to maximum effect with music, sound design & convincing voices. We create a firework display of emotions.
+ Activation with resonance
+ Instantly recognizable, memorable
+ Absolutely unique
Inclusive AI Voice/Audio Strategy & AI Efficiency

Sonic Code (DNA)
How do we make brands audible based on code?
Quite simply: by converting their core elements into sounds and developing a customised sonic code! We work AI-based and utilise the excellent methodology of our C-coding.
+ We find your acoustic niche
+ For optimal exploitation of potential
+ With guidelines and strategic control tools
Decode the strategic positioning of your brand(s) with us
Voice Branding & Custom AI Voice (Synth/TTS)
In addition to sounds, language is also part of an acoustic brand. We give your brand character, persuasiveness and a recognisable voice profile with an unforgettable voice system and concept. With real professional voices and/or digital voices.
+ Use the power and effect of the voice
+ Give your brand a voice identity
+ Voice branding for brands in all languages
Discover vocal excellence and/or AI voices in a class of their own

Recognise a brand in 2.5 seconds? That's what a sound logo can do! With the audible logo, we portray the core of your brand in a recognisable way - and as quickly as no other brand code can.
+ audible trademark
+ Unique and memorable
+ For your audible brand value enhancement
A uniquely protectable and recognisable brand value
Brand Sound Library
Sometimes you want a simple manual including the tools you need. It's good that we can provide you with your own personal brand sound library for campaigns, videos, podcasts etc., for example. Set the pace of the application yourself and stay flexible.
+ We offer individually composed and/or promptly generated brand sounds
+ With fast access and online profiling tools
+ In particular: With cloud-based content management
Highly flexible, easy to use for everyone involved in auditory communication