
Wir hören in Ihre Marke rein: Von der Exploration bis zum Tracking.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Profiling

Wir gestalten Ihren Klang:
Vom Audio Branding über die Klangarchitektur bis zur Corporate Voice.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Coding

Make it Real
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In unseren Science Labs und unseren Studios.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Producing

comevis Care
Performance Corporate Voice & Soundservices
Licensing (GEMA-frei), Services, Produktionsmanagement, QS, Joure Fix, Check, Report

Image Source: Frauscher Mediathek
Auditive Experience
Code-based Sound Branding
Frauscher Sensortechnik
From Austria to the whole world - we are proud to be able to support the renowned Frauscher brand on its path of acoustic brand management and audible brand digitalisation.
Frauscher Sensortechnik's corporate design and communication are modern and digital. This is exactly how the tangible brand values of the Austrian company now sound.
Frauscher makes full use of our expertise in methodology, strategy and creation, as well as important tools from our C-Cloud "Application Suite".
Together, we defined and implemented the audio & voice codes in a future-orientated way.

Image Source: Frauscher Mediathek
Mood Video

Audio/Voice Design by comevis.com
Source: Frauscher Sensortechnik

Acoustic brand management in sensor technology
For over 30 years, Frauscher has been blazing innovative trails as a pioneer in the global railroad industry. The video takes us on an exciting journey into the world of the Frauscher brand.
Audio Voice Experience
The vocal and sonic production in the video shows excerpts of the new code-based sound branding, designed by comevis.
The sound architecture

The sound logo
The Soundlogo is the sound core of Frauscher. It is innovative, digital and easy to use. The brand is thus brought to the point in a recognizable way in 2.5 seconds.
In the corporate jingle, the brand voices (man/woman) additionally enrich it with the spoken brand name and claim.

Reference citation

Image Soruce: Frauscher Mediathek
"Quality is the best business plan! This means a lot to us and to me. That's why we set very high standards for our new partner for audible brand digitisation and code-based sound branding in our sound branding agency pitch and opted for comevis. We are delighted to now be able to utilise the new sound and voice architecture for our Frauscher Sensortechnik brand. This unique audio/voice experience should and will accompany our auditory communication and interaction worldwide with immediate effect."
Maria Reisinger
Managing Director, Frauscher Sensortechnik,
St. Marienkirchen, Austria

Frauscher Corporate Voice male
Frauscher Corporate Voice female
Tone of Voice
The voices of Frauscher -
The Austrian company receives customised voice branding for the international rollout.
Two examples on the left.
Frauscher Brand Sound Library
Brand Sound Library Profiler
An outstanding brand soundtrack consists of numerous sound elements such as intros, music, various sound effects, outros and more. The Brand Sound Library, created especially for Frauscher, offers all relevant users access to the individually composed, brand sounds and sound elements.
A highly flexible deployment is ensured via our C-Cloud.

Image Source: Frauscher Mediathek