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Kununu Award - we belong to the 5% of the most popular employers 🎉🎉

Autorenbild: comeviscomevis

We were again honored in the Marketing/Advertising/PR category.


Stephan Vincent Nölke, comevis GmbH & Co. KG, CEO

Top company kununu award logo soundbranding audible experience comevis

No. 1 for auditory digitalisation

Audible Experience

AI-based control for brands and services


Excerpts of the evaluation criteria (DACH)

This SOUNDS well and the C-Team is very pleased😊

Culture compass - Company structure

Culture compass  Company structure grafic comevis Kununu top agency company

Company Salary grafic comevis Kununu top agency company

Kriterien Kununu Grafik Recommendations Bewertung

The four dimensions of corporate culture

The four dimensions of corporate culture Kunu Grafic comevis

We offer a particularly harmonious environment with flexible working hours, mobile working, modern room equipment and an anti-boredom guarantee. We also offer particularly exciting insights into the Audible Experience for brands and services on a national and international level.

More on new opportunities and vacancies:


Best in Class

comevis receives many awards and prizes.


Become a C-Profiler

This is what comevis employees are looking forward with us

✅ A flexible arrangement of working hours and time

✅ A sound field of work

✅ Anti-boredom guarantee through a lot of independent work

✅ Integration in communication concepts for campaigns (national/international)

✅ Modern health measures

✅ Coaching & advanced training

✅ Integration in QA measures; planning, calculating & controlling project budgets

✅ Modern room equipment

✅ Good transport connections

✅ Free parking spaces

✅ Employee:inside events

✅ Models for profit-sharing options

✅ Gift vacations from the company on Shrove Monday and your birthday.


Stephan Vincent Nölke


"We are travelers along the audible experience & customer journey in all industries, in all countries of the world and for companies that position their brand with resonance."


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