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5 Perspectives on Sound Branding & AI Voice/Audio Prompting

Eccentric consumer behaviour means that loyalty to brands is declining. To gain consumers' attention and loyalty, brands must surprise, entertain and communicate innovatively.

In the digital world, our sensory brand perception is reduced to 2 senses,

Seeing and hearing. In brand guidelines, the description of visual communication dominates, but we still often find nothing, or only very limited information, on how to deal with voice (human/digital) and audio. Yet intelligent voice/audio communication can be a crucial key to reaching consumers emotionally.

The ear is the gateway to people's souls, especially in the digital experience space.

New AI voice/audio strategies offer boost potentials never seen before. We call this sensible symbiosis: "Auditive Intelligence".

What we're saying is: "Those who position their brand intelligently in audio gain loyalty in addition to recognition and closeness."

Stephan Vincent Nölke is the founder and managing director of comevis GmbH und Co KG, which was founded in 2002. He is one of the most sought-after experts for audio/voice experience and auditory digitalisation.

Conclusion: In a world increasingly shaped by audio and voice, the question arises:

Are there still silent brands? As the competition for consumers' attention intensifies, auditory experiences play a central role. Brands that limit themselves to visual communication alone are missing a great opportunity to reach their customers emotionally and build long-term connections.

5 perspectives, brand and service experiences communicated auditorily intelligently:

1. Perspective: Opportunity 🎯

Brands and services that have no auditory presence remain hidden. In an era where consumers primarily rely on mobile apps, digital services and multimedia communication, brands with auditory codes have a clear advantage. They manage to offer more emotional experiences and remain present in an acoustically diverse world.

2. Perspective: Game-Changer AI Voice/Audio 🚀

AI-powered voice and audio applications (tools) open up new horizons: They enable the easy and flexible realisation of customised voices for a variety of applications and modular extensions in all auditory communication.

These innovative possibilities are no longer the privilege of large corporations. Instead, small and medium-sized companies can now also benefit from these technologies and develop and use individual AI voice/audio strategies.

3. Perspective: Customer Journey 📱

Audio can be seamlessly integrated into different phases of the customer journey, expanding brand presence in innovative ways. This not only improves interaction with customers, but also creates a consistent and appealing brand experience that strengthens consumer loyalty and trust.

4. Perspective: Loyalty 💡

People respond strongly to auditory stimuli. Sounds and voices create trust and evoke emotions - they are more immediate and stay in the memory longer. Brands that use an intelligent voice/audio strategy build deeper connections with their customers and improve brand loyalty.

5. Perspective: AI Efficiency 🤖

Access to a comprehensive voice/audio strategy has never been easier than it is now.

Thanks to advanced AI tools and automation, companies of all sizes can quickly and efficiently build an audible brand identity. These tools not only help to develop sound elements, but also enable cost-effective and individual implementation at all relevant touchpoints.


Let's create your Auditive Intelligence

➡️ Quick Wins

Our services for short-term success, compact, easy to decide.


➡️ Enabling

You want to go new ways independently and use selected detailed services from comevis.


➡️ Solution

Holistic thinking and implementation (end to end) for maximum performance in your discipline.


Porträt von Stephan Vincent Nölke, CEO von comevis

"The ear is the gateway to people's souls, especially in the digital experience space, and access to a comprehensive voice/audio strategy has never been easier than it is now."

Stephan Vincent Nölke



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