
Wir hören in Ihre Marke rein: Von der Exploration bis zum Tracking.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Profiling

Wir gestalten Ihren Klang:
Vom Audio Branding über die Klangarchitektur bis zur Corporate Voice.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Coding

Make it Real
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In unseren Science Labs und unseren Studios.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Producing

comevis Care
Performance Corporate Voice & Soundservices
Licensing (GEMA-frei), Services, Produktionsmanagement, QS, Joure Fix, Check, Report


Auditive Experience
Code-basiertes Sound Branding
Phoenix Contact: Future ready
PHOENIX CONTACT stands for the future vision of the All Electric Society - a world in which energy from renewable resources is available in sufficient quantities and is affordable. The Phoenix Contact code-based sound branding makes this sound uniquely audible.
The acoustic identity of Phoenix Contact becomes uniquely audible in audio/visual digital communication as well as in the form of "brand in space" concepts for trade fairs and events.
The C-Profiling methodology creates a modular, unique and modern design system for the auditive experience of PHOENIX CONTACT.
All Phoenix Contact sound branding assets can be managed intuitively using the applications from the C-Cloud.
The Sound of The All Electric Society
Play Sound
Reference citations
"Through the intensive and creative collaboration with comevis, we were not only able to develop an effective and recognisable sonic code, but have also added an intelligent tool for the highly flexible control of our auditory brand communication with the modular corporate sound system."
Alfred Moll
Director, Cross-media Content Creation, Group Communications
Phoenix Contact
"The relevance of audio is a crucial building block for success in digital communication and brand management. But what does smart technology actually sound like? What does efficiency sound like? And what does a sustainably balanced world sound like?
To answer this question, the Phoenix Contact Sonic Code (DNA) was developed together with the specialists from comevis, with a strong profile, unique and clearly recognisable."
Marcel Kleine
Head of Event & Exhibition Management
Phoenix Contact

Audio/Voice Code | Interaction Design
Audio Code
Using audio coding, the relevant brand values of Phoenix Contact are methodically and data-based uniquely translated into audible codes. A pulsating brand rhythm conveys the smart and innovative orientation of the Phoenix Contact product portfolio, while a warm, soft brand harmony underlines the brand's reliable claim.

Voice Code
The Phoenix Contact Auditive Experience is complemented by clearly defined voice codes. The female voice encodes the relevant brand values such as humanity and sustainability through empathy and down-to-earthness. The male voice, on the other hand, focuses on innovation and dynamism and stands for technical expertise. The claim to leadership thus meets the determination to break new ground.

Interaction Design
The brand/human interaction is multidimensional. In order to meet the requirements of each point of contact in the context of a holistic Auditive experience, Phoenix Contact uses a network of auditory assets. This ensures that the appropriate audible impact potential is always developed in a targeted manner for each communication requirement.

Application Suite
Our Innovation Suite offers A.I. based tools that make sound branding and audio marketing easy to use, accessible and customisable.
As part of the C-Family, Phoenix Contact makes intensive use of our Brand Sound Library. It contains all the sound staging components needed to create individual audio content that always fits perfectly.

Brand Experience (BX)
The Phoenix Contact sound logo sums up the company's brand identity in 2.5 seconds.
The claim to understand smart technologies in the context of automation as the core driver of a future worth living is the guiding idea. Acoustically, this is taken up and translated into a clear beat that makes the abstract future audibly tangible.
Brand in space: This is how Phoenix Contact sounds
At the industrial trade fair in Hanover, Phoenix Contact had a special trade fair sound team representing the unique sound of the brand.
Auditive Service Experience

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